How to Prepare ofe owerri soup recipe

Today we are preparing Almighty Ofe owerri soup, It’s a very popular and very delicious, very yummyscious. Very palatable soup of owerri people. This soup is very expensive to make, but you can make use of whatever you have and it’s will still be nice. You can use beef, or Assorted meats, or goat meat, fresh fish, fresh prawns, as in the pot is always very busy of all kinds of proteins, that’s why it’s very expensive. The soup is delicious and full of nutrients and very easy to make. I’ll be using goat and asserted meats. This soup can be served with all kinds of swallows like Pounded yam, eba, Semo, fufu, etc. In this ofe owerri soup, we are going to be using two types of leaves, okazi leaves (Afang leaves) and uziza leaves.

The ingredients you will be needing to prepare ofe owerri soup

  1. Assorted meats enough
  2. Goat meat- enough
  3. 3 Big size of dry cat fish
  4. 2 Big size of stock fish head
  5. 2 Big size of smoked pomo
  6. 1 Cup of smoked prawns
  7. 2 Handful of okazi leaves
  8. 2 Handful of uziza leaves
  9. 2 Cop spoons of paml oil
  10. 5 yellow scent pepper
  11. 4 Ata rodo
  12. 3 Big size of onions
  13. 1 Cop spoon of crayfish powder
  14. 2 Cups of Pounded coco yam for thickener
  15. 1LT of water
  16. Seasoning cube to taste
  17. Salt to taste

Preparations for the ingredients

  • Wash your Assorted meats
  • Wash your goat meat and pour into a clean pot and put it on fire
  • Add your seasoning cube to taste
  • Add your salt to taste
  • Add 1 medium size of diced onions
  • mix them together very well and cover it to cook
  • wash your smoked pomo very well and cut into the desired size
  • Once the meats are almost done, add your smoked pomo
  • Once they are ready, set them aside
  • Soke your stock fish down with hot water and a little salt and set aside
  • wash your coco yam, and boil it, pound it and set aside
  • Debone your dry cat fish and wash it then set aside
  • Wash your smoked prawns and set aside
  • Blend your yellow scent pepper, onions and ata rodo together and set aside
  • wash your okazi leaves and cut it and set aside
  • Wash your Uziza leaves and cut it and set aside
  • Blend your crayfish and set aside. Then you are good to go.

Method on How to Prepare Ofe owerri soup

  • Put back the pot of Assorted meats and pomo on fire
  • Add water
  • Pour your blended pepper and onions into it
  • Add your dry cat fish
  • Add your stock fish
  • Pour your palm oil
  • Add your Pounded coco yam
  • Cover it to boil
  • Add your smoked prawns
  • Add your seasoning cube to taste
  • Add your salt to taste
  • Pour your blended crayfish,
  • Allow it to boil for a while
  • Add your okazi leaves
  • Add your Uziza leaves
  • Cover it to boil for a minute. And your ofe owerri soup is ready! You can serve it with your desired swallow. Enjoy!!

Hope you will be trying this recipe?