Egusi soup is a very popular soup in Nigeria, and it’s eating by many states in Nigeria. like the Igbo people, calaba people, yoruba people, Delta people etc. They all prepares it differently, with different vegetables inside it. Egusi soup is a very delicious, palatable, flavorful, healthy,and packed with nutrients. It’s very easy to prepare and can be eaten with all kinds of swallows, like Eba, Amala, Semo, Pounded yam, plantain flour swallow etc. The Yorubas make efo elegusi while the Igbos make ofe egusi, all with similar ingredients but with slightly different approaches all of them are superb. This recipe is the Egusi with lumps, you can use beef or Assorted meats, or Goat Meat, or fresh fish, just use any type of protein of your choice. For me, I’ll be using asserted meats.
The ingredients you will be needing for the Egusi soup
- 1 Derica of Egusi (Melon) seeds
- 2 Eggs
- Asserted meats enough
- Stock fish enough
- 2 big size of dry cat fish
- smoked pomo
- Smoked prawn
- 10 yellow scent pepper
- 5 Ata rodo
- 5 big size of onions,
- 2 Cup spoons of paml oil
- Iru woro (Locust beans)
- 2 cup spoons of crayfish powder
- Ugwu leave
- seasoning cube to taste
- salt to taste
Preparation for the ingredients
- Wash your Assorted meats and pour into a clean pot and set it on fire
- season it with seasoning cube to taste
- Add your salt to taste
- Dice 1 onions and add
- wash your smoked pomo very well and cut into desired size
- Once the asserted meats is almost ready, then add your washed pomo and allow it to cook together.
- Once they are ready, set them aside
- wash your Ugwu leave ( pumpkin leave) and cut it and set aside
- blend your egusi and divide it into 2 parts and pour one part into a clean bowl, and brake the 2 eggs into it
- Add 1 chopped onions into the egusi and mashed it together very well and set aside
- Soke your stock fish with hot water and add a little salt to it and set aside
- Blend your yellow scent pepper and the remaining 3 onions and rodo together and set aside
- Debone your cat fish and wash it very well and set aside
- wash your smoked prawns and set aside
- Blend your crayfish and set aside
- wash your Iru ( Locust beans) very well make sure all the stones are removed and set aside
- Once all the ingredients are prepared, then you can start cooking.
Method on How to Prepare Egusi soup
- Put a clean pot on fire
- Add 2 cops of paml oil
- Once it’s hot, add diced onions and allow it to fry for a bit
- Start adding the mashed egusi little by little like when you are frying beans cake (Akara)
- Fry the egusi and scoop it out and set aside
- In the oil, pour your Iru ( Locust beans)
- Pour your blended peppers and allow it to fry
- pour your boiled Assorted meats and pomo
- pour a little bit of stock water
- Add your dry cat fish
- Add your stock fish
- Add your smoked prawns and stir very well and allow it to boil for 2minutes
- Pour the remaining dry egusi in a clean bowl and pour stock water into it, let it be watery
- Then pour into the boiling sauce and mix it very well together if it’s need water, you can add a little to it and allow it to boil
- Add the fried egusi lumps to it and brake them if you like or you can leave it if they are not too big
- Add your crayfish
- Add your seasoning cube to taste
- Add your salt to taste
- Add your washed ugwu leave ( pumpkin leave) and allow to boil for a minute and turn off the fire. Your egusi soup is ready to be served.

If you have any questions about this egusi soup recipe, please ask me in the comment section below. Thank you very much for your time.