This bitter leaf soup that I will be teaching you today, it’s known all over Nigeria, and it’s a very healthy soup. Bitter leaf soup or ofe onugbu is another popular Nigerian soup made with bitter leaves and cocoyam paste. This delicious Nigerian soup is packed full of flavour, healthy and quite filling too. Ofe onugnu is similar to the ofe owerri soup. It’s very easy to prepare, you can use any type of protein you want, like beef, or Assorted meats, or goat meat, or fresh fish chicken any one gose. For the thickene, you can use coco yam or ofor or achi any one that you prefer. This palatable soup can be eaten with all kinds of swallows, like Eba, Amala, Semo, Pounded yam, etc. It’s very delicious and yummyscious. We have a wonderful and delicious different types of soups in Nigeria if we can be trying them it will fantastic.

The ingredients you will be needing to prepare bitter leaf soup
- 1 kg of beef
- 500g of Assorted meats
- 2 Long smoked pomo
- 1 big size of stock fish head
- 2 big size of dry cat fish
- coco yam
- Ogiri
- 1 Cup of smoked prawns
- 2 milk cup of bitter leaf
- 5 Scotch bonnet pepper
- 4 Scent yellow pepper
- 4 medium size of onions
- 2 Cup spoon of palm oil
- 1 Cup of crayfish powder
- Seasoning cube to taste
- Salt to taste

Preparation for the ingredients
- Wash your cocoyam and pour into a clean pot and put it on fire
- Once it’s cooked, peel it and pound it and set aside
- Wash your beef and assorted meat, pour into a clean pot
- Add seasoning cube to taste
- Add salt to taste
- Add some diced onions
- Add some water and cover it to cook
- Wash your smoked pomo and cut into the desires of your choice
- Once the meats are almost done
- Add your pomo for it to cook together but if the pomo is tough you can add it from the beginning
- Once they are ready, then you can set it aside
- Wash your bitter leaf very well so that the soup will not be too bitter and cut into big size set aside
- Wash all the peppers and onions and blend them together and set aside
- Wash your stock fish and soak it with hot water, add some salt and set aside
- Blend your crayfish and set aside
- Wash your smoked prawns and set aside
- Wash your dry cat fish and debone it and set aside
- Now for your bitter leaf, if you want to remove the bitterness and still have the leafs big,you have to boil it on fire Add some salt so that you can still have the greenness. OK, let’s start cooking!!

Method on How to Prepare Bitter leaf soup
- Put back on fire, the asserted meats and pomo
- Add some water
- Add your stock fish
- Add the ogiri
- Pour your blended pepper and onions and cover it to boil for 2minutes
- Pour your palm oil
- Add your smoked prawns
- Add your dry cat fish
- Add your Pounded cocoyam paste
- Pour your crayfish powder and cover it to boil for a minute
- Pour your bitter leaf
- Add your seasoning cube to taste
- Add your salt to taste
- allow it to boil for a minute and turn off the fire. Your bitter leaf soup is ready, you can serve it with any swallow you want.

Hope you will be trying this recipe? If you have any questions drop it underneath the comment section.